The PRINCESS of this house

Saturday, December 29, 2007


Isn't this a great picture??? It's Melanie's daughter Olivia. I added her name to the front of her volleyball uniform. Don't you love it?? She is such a great kid - We have a great relationship! I call her "Brat" and she calls me "Bigger Brat"
She takes my teasing very well. I love her just like one of my own kids.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Cookies


Christmas 06 Jessica learned (from Auntie Karen)all the ins and outs of how to make the "famous sugar cookies." So, this year, Auntie Karen came down on the 22nd of December to make the cookies at our house. Jessica rolled out all the dough - they quadroupled the receipe 4 times. (that makes a crap load of cookie dough.) Taylor (11 now) is watching Jessica. Little Miss Jessica didn't want her picture taken cause she hadn't had time to do her hair and makeup! Oh she is sooooo much like her mother - NOT

The first 2 cookie sheets to go in the oven for exactly 8 minutes. Do you see the cute little puppy in the background?

I LVOVE that dog!

Here they are cooling on my table.
I am sitting right next to them.
I don't want anyone to steal or eat them YET.

Auntie Karen making enough icing for the 200 + cookie they made. I think she used 2+ cups of crisco, 2 bags of powered sugar, lemon extract and vanilla extract.

The whole gang was involved with the frosting of the cookies. Everyone got in the pictures except me! I like it that way. I wish this blogging had a smell factor - you would have loved the way the cookies made our house smell.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Early Mornings

Here is Bill doing his favorite thing - Cross Stitch - He had been home sick all last week and spent many hours on this project. Take note of the coffee cup, another staple for him.

What a beautiful sight first thing in the morning. Maggie is not usually this photogentic.

Jack on the other hand loves to have his picture taken. I know, he is laying on my kitchen table.

Another beautiful sight, Lola. (I LVOVE that dog!)

Enjoy your monday morning.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Someone's Stocking

After taking a nap with Lola this morning, I wanted everyone to see her with her new Christmas "Bone" Stocking. Made by the one who loves her the most "ME" I chose a doggie print fabric from right here in our hometown of Augusta. In the pictures she doesn't look very happy, you know how you feel when you just get up from a nap - still alittle groggy - Jack couldn't help but be in the pictures cause he was napping on the chair. Maybe tomorrow I will take a few pictures of Jack and Maggie with their "FISHY" Christmas Stocking I made for them last year. If there is anyway, I will take a picture of the trees I decorated for them also. Tomorrow is gonna be a busy one for me. I hope I can get all this done before I go to work at the Golf Course at 1pm


Lola and Jack

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ballin' Brock

What a great picture of Brock playing 7th grade football. It was a picture of him actually playing. He is on the "smaller" size compared to some of the other 7th graders so he didn't get a whole lot of time on the field.
Now that football is over, he tried out for the basketball team. Needless to say that didn't go to well either. I wanted him to go out for wrestling, but nnnnooooo, he didn't want to. So, we are trying a new sport/activity! KARATE! He really seems to love it!! He has been going here in Augusta on Tue. & Thurs. from 6:45 -8 :00pm for a couple of months. He really needed something to do after school to keep him in shape. ( i know round is a shape ha) Brock is the type of kid that can just sit and watch TV for hours in his PJ's and on my bed if he knows he has nothing else to do. He is in band and plays the trumpet, pretty good I might add, usually 1st chair.
Tomorrow is Thursday..... big ping pong ball drop in historical downtown Augusta. I am hoping to get the ball that has the $500 prize on it. Wish me luck- Christmas COULD be great for my friends if I win!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Smiling Sista

OK, here is a really new picture of Jessica. The kids say that I love the dog and cats more than them soooo, I am required to put their pictures on here also. Doesn't Jessica look great in her "holiday spirit" sweater? This was a day she actually took time to straighten her hair. Her hair is naturally curly... so of course she wants to straighten it! Today the kids were out of school due to the weather outside (it was frightful!)
Bill went back to the doctor today for the 4th time since November 23d. He has been very sick, coughing, wheezing, and just can't get enough air in his lungs to breath. (yes he quit smoking over 17 months ago). In January he will be going to St. Francis to have some sort of test to see if he has Asthma, COPD, or a lung disease. I have been very worried about him. Please keep him in your prayers.
New picture again tomorrow. Be sure to check it out!

Monday, December 10, 2007

So, so here is the Lovely Lola with her reindeer ears on. She was so cute wearing them around the house. I didn't get a chance to put her on the blog last night so her she is. Jessica is needing my help with sewing a flag for school, so I guess this post is over. Till we meet again -.....

Sunday, December 9, 2007